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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

You Can't Scare Me I Have A Crazy Sister Who Happens To Cuss A Lot Shirt

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 You Can't Scare Me I Have A Crazy Sister Who Happens To Cuss A Lot Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  you can't scare me I have a crazy sister who happens to cuss a lot shirt!  Just remember, conservatives literally voted against teaching critical thinking to children. Their reasoning was that it would encourage kids to disobey their parents and other authority figures. Truly weak and pathetic people don’t want anyone to have the tools to see through their bullshit and  you can't scare me I have a crazy sister who happens to cuss a lot shirt!  You Can't Scare Me I Have A Crazy Sister Who Happens To Cuss A Lot Shirt You Can't Scare Me I Have A Crazy Sister Who Happens To Cuss A Lot Sweater You Can't Scare Me I Have A Crazy Sister Who Happens To Cuss A Lot Hoodie They're not. I'm a teacher and  you can't scare me I have a crazy sister who happens to cuss a lot shirt!  Kids are going off into the world without strongly developed critical thinking. They thi...

Want To Stop Being Gullible Find Out How Shirt

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 Want To Stop Being Gullible Find Out How Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  want to stop being gullible find out how shirt!  Yup. I got downvoted for posting that my dad said there was a quiet coup in this country decades ago. I don't know enough about anything to say that's true, definitively, but it sure doesn't seem like voters have the control that they think they do anymore and   want to stop being gullible find out how shirt! Want To Stop Being Gullible Find Out How Shirt Want To Stop Being Gullible Find Out How Sweater Want To Stop Being Gullible Find Out How Hoodie Dave Chappelle had a bit where he talked about his theory where the KKK "disbanded" in the 60's ~ 70's after the government crackdown, then decided the better alternative is to infiltrate police, local and federal government positions and  want to stop being gullible find out how shirt!  He aligns it with the perversion of the Republican party (and American conservatism as a whole) and hone...

This Nana Love Her Grand Kids To The Moon And Back Shirt

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 This Nana Love Her Grand Kids To The Moon And Back Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  this nana love her grand kids to the moon and back shirt!  I have a pending OPRA request in NJ. I was told that they couldn’t come up with the documents now because of limited staff availability, plus the fact that everything I need is paper-only, and stored at the department’s headquarters. All they’re doing is ensuring the safety of government employees through social distancing and  this nana love her grand kids to the moon and back shirt! This Nana Love Her Grand Kids To The Moon And Back Shirt This Nana Love Her Grand Kids To The Moon And Back Sweater This Nana Love Her Grand Kids To The Moon And Back Hoodie This wasn't a rhetorical question I was actually wondering if this was at all a decent strategic response and  this nana love her grand kids to the moon and back shirt!  While I often assume the worst from the American government I also hope they sometimes make the r...

Your Mind Is Your Best Weapon Shirt

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 Your Mind Is Your Best Weapon Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  your mind is your best weapon shirt!  Hey aside from the shit post jokes I was buying calls and actual stock even on Monday. I was super confused on how people here were still calling for buying puts before an agreement on the stimulus was reached.... like you 100% knew the airlines were getting bailed out and you 100% knew they were going to soar when they did. How people came up with the idea to bet against that is unworldly to me and    your mind is your best weapon shirt!  Your Mind Is Your Best Weapon Shirt Your Mind Is Your Best Weapon Sweater Your Mind Is Your Best Weapon Hoodie I used the instant deposit with Gold before funds actually transferred into RH, which is 5k and   your mind is your best weapon shirt!  Have 2 bank accounts under my account, one has money, one doesn’t. they tried the bank that had no money and I got instant deposit reversed, Had a negative buying po...

Sisters Are Like Fat Thighs They Always Stick Together Shirt

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 Sisters Are Like Fat Thighs They Always Stick Together Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  sisters are like fat thighs they always stick together shirt!  Choosing to have and keep a child when you are not financially stable is a selfish choice. Choosing to walk away from all responsibility, even financial, because you made an arrangement with a 21-year-old at 22, is a selfish choice. Assuming this is your kid, you are in a unique position to help. And least it be overlooked, that kid is a person wholly separate from his mom who never made any agreement with you to let you off the hook financially and  sisters are like fat thighs they always stick together shirt! Sisters Are Like Fat Thighs They Always Stick Together Shirt Sisters Are Like Fat Thighs They Always Stick Together Sweater Sisters Are Like Fat Thighs They Always Stick Together Hoodie Edit and  sisters are like fat thighs they always stick together shirt!  Typo, but while I am here: think of it this w...

Polynom Nom Nom Nom Nomial Shirt

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 Polynom Nom Nom Nom Nomial Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  polynom nom nom nom nomial shirt!  The OP stated clearly he wanted no part of it, if she couldn't raise it alone she should have had an abortion or put the child up for adoption if the procedure was too much for her to handle , she chose to keep it alone, so it's on her to raise it and provide, not OP and   polynom nom nom nom nomial shirt! Polynom Nom Nom Nom Nomial Shirt Polynom Nom Nom Nom Nomial Sweater Polynom Nom Nom Nom Nomial Hoodie Lol neither is sending money every month and   polynom nom nom nom nomial shirt!  You seem to be hyperfocused on only showing empathy in one area. They both had an adult discussion about what they would do, which resulted in the woman carrying the baby to term and raising it, which OP had to respect, as he should, as it's her choice, and OP not having anything to do with it, as had been mutually agreed upon.

Not Today Cancer Shirt

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 Not Today Cancer Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  not today cancer shirt!  Ok but that has nothing to do with the topic at hand here. OP didn't say that there was any difficulty in getting the abortion, so based on that conversation it sounds like the girl had all of the options available, and still made her choice to have the baby and    not today cancer shirt! Not Today Cancer Shirt Not Today Cancer Sweater Not Today Cancer Hoodie I'm not saying it's easy and    not today cancer shirt!  I had to make that decision myself, I know the whole process isn't easy, any part of it. But I'm saying that's part of her choice to keep the baby. Since all we have to go off of is the info in the OP, and there was no mention at all that she had problems getting access to an abortion or care or anything, I don't think we can say that it wasn't an available option to her. A difficult choice for sure, but life is full of difficult choices.

My Students Are Virtually Amazing Shirt

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 My Students Are Virtually Amazing Shirt,Hoodie And Sweater The my students are virtually amazing shirt!  This here. My parents had the same agreement. They got along fine, and I just didn’t meet my dad until later in life. He never paid for me, nothing. When she went through financial issues, it was me who wasn’t able to stay in extracurriculars or go to camp and   my students are virtually amazing shirt!  My Students Are Virtually Amazing Shirt My Students Are Virtually Amazing Sweater My Students Are Virtually Amazing Hoodie  It was me who lived in a converted bathroom because there wasn’t an extra bedroom and    my students are virtually amazing shirt!  I’m glad they had a good thing, but I really missed out on having a dad and I still feel the rejection as a grown adult. It hurts a lot. This poor kid doesn’t have a voice in this decision. You’re right OP, you didn’t ask for this and specifically entered an agreement with the mom that absolves...

My Neck My Back My Anxiety Attack Shirt

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 My Neck My Back My Anxiety Attack Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  my neck my back my anxiety attack shirt!    This is the whole idea behind choice. It is not like you both didn't use protection. You both did. Which means you both didnt want a kid. She changed the game and that is her decision to financially live with. If you had wanted the kid and her not, everyone would be appalled at you denying her an abortion. Stick to your decision. It may seem heartless but its your life too and  my neck my back my anxiety attack shirt!  My Neck My Back My Anxiety Attack Shirt My Neck My Back My Anxiety Attack Sweater My Neck My Back My Anxiety Attack Hoodie yes you had an agreement with the mother but you never had an agreement with the kid (obviously) and  my neck my back my anxiety attack shirt!   You created that child whether you wanted to or not. That kid is entitled to know who his parents are so don't be surprised if he wants to meet you later. ...

My Mouth Has No Filter I Say Whatever I Please And Most Of The Time I Am Just As Shocked As You Shirt

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 My Mouth Has No Filter I Say Whatever I Please And Most Of The Time I Am Just As Shocked As You Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  my mouth has no filter I say whatever I please and most of the time I am just as shocked as you shirt!  But in this particular situation after having a conversation with him and hearing his view point she unilaterally decided she wanted the child and then she decided she was more than okay with being a single mother and would not ask the farther for anything, by all rights she did want the child and    my mouth has no filter I say whatever I please and most of the time I am just as shocked as you shirt! My Mouth Has No Filter I Say Whatever I Please And Most Of The Time I Am Just As Shocked As You Shirt My Mouth Has No Filter I Say Whatever I Please And Most Of The Time I Am Just As Shocked As You Sweater My Mouth Has No Filter I Say Whatever I Please And Most Of The Time I Am Just As Shocked As You Hoodie You don't need an extradition ...

You Don't Play The Blues You Feel It Shirt

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 You Don't Play The Blues You Feel It Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  you don't play the blues you feel it shirt!  And she should have thought about all of that before she decided to have the child with no support from OP. She's literally the only asshole here. She was too fucking selfish to stop and think about what her child's life would be like if she chose to keep the baby. That's on her and no one else and   you don't play the blues you feel it shirt! You Don't Play The Blues You Feel It Shirt You Don't Play The Blues You Feel It Sweater You Don't Play The Blues You Feel It Hoodie As a women who was married when I had to have an abortion because even in a happy and healthy committed relationship we would not be able to provide a child the life they deserve at the time and  you don't play the blues you feel it shirt!  So despite me wanting the child I knew it would not be a good decision and having the child would have broken the relationship ...

Yes Officer I Saw The Speed-Limit I Just Didn't See You Shirt

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 Yes Officer I Saw The Speed-Limit I Just Didn't See You Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  yes officer I saw the speed-limit I just didn't see you shirt!  She did want the child and she did accept full responsibility for the child. That's just factually what happened here. She then reneged upon their agreement 5 years later, which OP still has the right to decline, because he made a choice the same as she did and    yes officer I saw the speed-limit I just didn't see you shirt! Yes Officer I Saw The Speed-Limit I Just Didn't See You Shirt Yes Officer I Saw The Speed-Limit I Just Didn't See You Sweater Yes Officer I Saw The Speed-Limit I Just Didn't See You Hoodie So many gd people in this thread who know nothing about the law and don't get that this is a situation that literally can't be equal and   yes officer I saw the speed-limit I just didn't see you shirt!  Just like I will never be able to lift as much weight as a man ever in my life, a cis gu...

When God Made Sons He Gave Me The Best Shirt

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 When God Made Sons He Gave Me The Best Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  when god made sons he gave me the best shirt!  But biology isn't fair. Having a kid - or aborting a pregnancy - is hell on a woman's body, in different ways. As someone has pointed out, the equivalency isn't "financial abortion," it's organ donation. Because by carrying a kid, the woman becomes essentially host to a parasite and  when god made sons he gave me the best shirt! When God Made Sons He Gave Me The Best Shirt When God Made Sons He Gave Me The Best Sweater When God Made Sons He Gave Me The Best Hoodie So, I'm a female and  when god made sons he gave me the best shirt!  If I am pregnant and the guy I'm seeing doesn't want the baby, doesn't want to be in it's life, doesn't want kids at all, and I don't get an abortion, tell him I will let him off the hook, tell him I won't ask him for anything,  I  just made a choice to be a single parent. He has right...

This Is My Hanukkah Pajama Shirt Shirt

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 This Is My Hanukkah Pajama Shirt Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  this is my hanukkah pajama shirt shirt!  You know, it's funny, I've made this exact same argument, except with the genders reversed, and got downvoted completely for it. So I don't get this sub. Is abstinence a valid form of birth control or not? Is it okay to throw it in a guy's face but not a girl's? I don't get it and    this is my hanukkah pajama shirt shirt!  This Is My Hanukkah Pajama Shirt Shirt This Is My Hanukkah Pajama Shirt Sweater This Is My Hanukkah Pajama Shirt Hoodie I guess abstinence is the only answer if you don't want to have a child pay child support and    this is my hanukkah pajama shirt shirt!   Unless you can get sterilized but thats especially hard for younger people. Doesn't matter if you actually took precautions and used birth control and then made it extremely clear that you wanted no part of raising a child, you gotta live with (and pay for) th...

This Girl Loves Her Ramen Shirt

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 This Girl Loves Her Ramen Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  this girl loves her ramen shirt!  Well, he did use a condom. And if the mother hadn't said that he could walk away and she wouldn't ask him for anything, then he would totally still be on the hook for helping out with this child. But, she made the decision to tell him she would raise the baby on her own, and now she has to deal with that and   this girl loves her ramen shirt!  This Girl Loves Her Ramen Shirt This Girl Loves Her Ramen Sweater This Girl Loves Her Ramen Hoodie When she let him go and promised he wouldn't need to be a father, she assumed the responsibility of a single parent and  this girl loves her ramen shirt!   Sucks for the kid but in the end, she made that decision on the child's behalf. Biology be damned, that man is not a father. He took the necessary precautions and when the worst case scenario happened they talked everything over and reached an agreement. Case closed.

There Is No Planet B Shirt

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 There Is No Planet B Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  there is no planet B shirt!  So yes, the mom does still need to live with her choice to be a single mother. Yes she agreed five years ago and will have to live with the consequences of that choice for the rest of her life. Yes it's super shitty to the child, and she should have thought about the fact that she'd be rasing a baby without a father before she decided to go ahead and have the baby. It may seem harsh, but in life we have to live with decisions we make, and we don't just get to change our mind years later when the going gets tough and  there is no planet B shirt!  There Is No Planet B Shirt There Is No Planet B Sweater There Is No Planet B Hoodie Ok, so as a woman who has had an abortion, you're right it's not a walk in the park and  there is no planet B shirt!   However, it was still my decision. When I made the choice to have sex, I knew I didnt want a baby so I used birth control. W...

There Are 10 Of People Those Who Understand Binary And Those Who Don't Shirt

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 There Are 10 Of People Those Who Understand Binary And Those Who Don't Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The  there are 10 of People those who understand binary and those who don't shirt!  I hate this sub's attitude of "the mother did not have an abortion = she wants the child and it's completely her responsibility". Abortion is a nontrivial medical procedure that can have a long lasting physical and psychological impact on the mother. It's not just a Thanos snap and the baby is gone and   there are 10 of People those who understand binary and those who don't shirt! There Are 10 Of People Those Who Understand Binary And Those Who Don't Shirt There Are 10 Of People Those Who Understand Binary And Those Who Don't Sweater There Are 10 Of People Those Who Understand Binary And Those Who Don't Hoodie So lastly, should OP be off the hook because the mother agreed to it 5 years ago? Still, no and   there are 10 of People those who understand binary and t...